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The Governments Bill For Stopping Boats Will Stop No Boats

The Government's Bill for Stopping Boats Will Stop No Boats

But its job is already done

7 March 2023

Earlier this year, the Prime Minister made stopping the boats his top priority. He promised to introduce a new bill that would make it illegal for people to arrive in the UK by boat. The government has now published the bill, and it is clear that it will not stop any boats.

The bill will create a new criminal offence of "illegal entry" into the UK. This offence will carry a maximum sentence of four years in prison. The bill will also make it easier for the government to deport people who have entered the UK illegally.

However, the bill does not address the root causes of why people are fleeing their home countries and seeking asylum in the UK. The bill will not deter people from making dangerous journeys across the Channel. In fact, it is likely to make the situation worse by creating a new class of criminals and by making it more difficult for people to access asylum.

The government's bill for stopping boats is a waste of time and money. It will not stop any boats, and it will only make the situation worse. The government should focus on working with other countries to address the root causes of migration and on creating a fair and humane asylum system.


The Guardian
